Friday, February 22, 2008

Eastern contemporary dance

Of late, there seems to be a plethora of dance groups performing fusion dances. They are based on classical styles but seems to draw from other styles too. Recently, I happened to watch a bunch of techies in art. A group of collegiates from Bangalore performed a few numbers that were wonderfully choreographed. The music, they said was drawn from various sources - oxygen, morning raga and so on. It was tailor made for their items. There was one on trimurthi, one on Dasavatharam and one on ramayanam. The choreography to depict kaliya nardhanam was awesome, as was the final fight between rama and ravana. The kids enjoyed it too, which is something. And that is the whole point - passing it on to the younger generation. It may have to be adapted, but it cannot be allowed to die.

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